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Giordano VS Halloween - Il videogioco: Cheats and cheat codes

The page dedicated to Giordano VS Halloween - Il videogioco cheats (ANDROID / IPHONE). You will find cheat codes, secrets, strategies and much more.

We are pleased to show you all the things we have collected for Giordano VS Halloween - Il videogioco!

Introduction and plot

Impersonate Giordano, il direttore durante la notte di Ognissanti per proteggere l'Italia dai numerosi pericoli di Halloween. Utilizzate una mazza tricolore per distruggere le zucche e raggiungere il proprio record!
Features - Gratuito e senza pubblicità - Impersonate il vero Giordano in versione pixel art - Sfoderate la sua mazza tricolore - Distruggete centinaia di zucche - Comprende una classifica online con i migliori giocatori - Include le voci originali di M. Giordano - Ispirato ad eventi realmente accaduti - Le zucche non sono vere perchè il cibo non si spreca Play as Giordano, the director during the night of All Saints to protect Italy from the many dangers of Halloween. Use a tricolor bat to destroy the pumpkins and reach your own record!
Features - Free and ad-free - Impersonate the real Jordan in pixel art version - Draw your tricolor club - Destroy hundreds of pumpkins - Includes an online leaderboard with the best players - Includes the original voices of M. Giordano - Inspired by real events - Pumpkins are not real because food is not wasted

Giordano VS Halloween - Il videogioco has been published on 13/04/2021 for ANDROID / IPHONE. We take care to update the list of consoles for which the game was published over time if the cheats are they also applied to new arrivals.

Let's move on to show you the cheats after the introduction we just wrote.

We still do not have any cheats to show, we do our best to research and post them.
Cherri Andrea640360