File not Found: ../󾠊 MASS Builder Trainer •

Trainer for: MASS Builder (0.1.1)

You will add many Cheats: Edit: Current Durability , Edit: Max Durability , Edit: Current Shield , Edit: Max Shield and many more.

Index of the Trainer for the Game: MASS Builder

Introduction and Plot

With MASS Builder Trainer v0.1.1 you will gain: edit: current durability, edit: max durability and edit: current shield but not only. Enter and discover all the unlockable cheats.

This game released on: 13/08/2019. Here you will find everything about MASS Builder, especially the Trainer Activating this trainer, Promo Options, Editor Options, Notes, and much more.
Commands, customize, and build your suit from skeleton Mechanical Assault (M. A. S. S.) and help the fight against an alien invasion that is determined to exterminate the human race. The fate of humanity is in your hands.

Index of the Trainer for the Game: MASS Builder

Cheats options added

This trainer adds the following cheats to this game:
Edit: Current Durability
Edit: Current Durability
Edit: Max Durability
Edit: Max Durability
Edit: Current Shield
Edit: Current Shield
Edit: Max Shield
Edit: Max Shield
Edit: Stamina
Edit: Stamina
Edit: Stamina Max
Edit: Stamina Max
Edit: Battle Points
Edit: Battle Points
Edit: Armor
Edit: Armor
Edit: Physical Attack Power
Edit: Physical Attack Power
Edit: Piercing Attack Power
Edit: Piercing Attack Power
Edit: Plasma Attack Power
Edit: Plasma Attack Power
Edit: Current Clip
Edit: Current Clip
Edit: Max Clip
Edit: Max Clip
Edit: Current Ammo
Edit: Current Ammo
Edit: Max Ammo
Edit: Max Ammo
Edit: Current Clip
Edit: Current Clip
Edit: Max Clip
Edit: Max Clip
Edit: Current Ammo
Edit: Current Ammo
Edit: Max Ammo
Edit: Max Ammo
Edit: Current Clip
Edit: Current Clip
Edit: Max Clip
Edit: Max Clip
Edit: Current Ammo
Edit: Current Ammo
Edit: Max Ammo
Edit: Max Ammo
Edit: Current Clip
Edit: Current Clip
Edit: Max Clip
Edit: Max Clip
Edit: Current Ammo
Edit: Current Ammo
Edit: Max Ammo
Edit: Max Ammo
Edit: Credits
Edit: Credits
Edit: Verse Steel
Edit: Verse Steel
Edit: Ednil
Edit: Ednil
Edit: Alcarbonite
Edit: Alcarbonite
Edit: Mixed Composition
Edit: Mixed Composition

Activating this trainer

If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for 'Trainer
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.

Promo Options

Player: Stamina
Player: Stamina Max

Editor Options

# Player:
Current Durability
Max Durability
Current Shield
Max Shield
Stamina Max
Battle Points
Physical Attack Power
Piercing Attack Power
Plasma Attack Power
# Weapons:
Current Clip
Max Clip
Current Ammo
Max Ammo
Max Clip
Current Ammo
Max Ammo
Current Clip
Max Clip
Current Ammo
Max Ammo
Current Clip
Max Clip
Current Ammo
Max Ammo
# Currency:
# Materials:
Verse Steel
# Quark Data:
Mixed Composition


For PLAYER options, you must be in the game and in a mission for the values to fill in. Setting a high value for ARMOR practically makes you invincible.
For Currency option, at menu click Development, then leave back to the menu and the values fill in. Note that Materials and Quark values may also fill in. Not all materials or Quark items are listed.