Distraint: Walkthroughs and guides

Watch our walkthrough and the guide of Distraint (PC)

Welcome! We have created the guide of Distraint.

Introduction and Plot

Exempt from distraint is an horror adventure in 2D for PC. Tucked in the shoes of a young and ambitious man by the name of Price. To reach an agreement with a famous company, Price expropriates the home of an elderly lady. From that moment you will be forced to discover the price of his own humanity.

This game was released on 21/09/2015 and the walkthrough you are going to read is valid for PC. This list will be updated over time whenever we notice the existence of new consoles on which Distraint has been published.

And now finally the long-awaited walkthrough for this game. The guide is divided into several videos, unless the game is short.

Complete Solution

Cherri Andrea640360