Cheats and codes for: Aircraft Carrier Survival: Prologue (PC)

Learn the cheats of Aircraft Carrier Survival: Prologue and discover the codes on this page.


Aircraft Carrier Survival: Prologue: Plot of the game

Welcome! Below we have collected the cheats of Aircraft Carrier Survival: Prologue, but not only. Any achievement, code or trainer will be shown on this page if and when they are available.

If you know about new cheats, we would be happy to know them. Contact us! You will also help other users who are looking for them.

When the harshness of the sea meets the cruelties of war, a challenge for perseverance makes itself known. And it is like none other.Welcome to Aircraft Carrier Survival, a simulator set in the merciless reality of World War II, where your prowess as a commander decides the fate of a naval behemoth.

We have cheats valid for PC. The list of consoles is continuously updated from PC, the date on which Aircraft Carrier Survival: Prologue was published.

Discover cheats and cheat codes for Aircraft Carrier Survival: Prologue (PC): Useful Tips.

Finished all the premises, we show you the cheats we have recovered.


No cheats are currently available. Please check back later as we are always active in the search for new things to insert in. If you know cheats or strategies for Aircraft Carrier Survival: Prologue please send them to us.
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