Cheats and codes for: Dracula El Legado - Librojuego (ANDROID / IPHONE)

So many cheats like Useful Tips for Dracula El Legado - Librojuego (ANDROID / IPHONE) Our site is specialized in cheats and walkthroughs.


Dracula El Legado - Librojuego: Plot of the game

Welcome to the article on this site associated with the cheats and unlockables of Dracula El Legado - Librojuego. All the secrets we know about this game are written on this page.

If you know about new cheats, we would be happy to know them. Contact us! You will also help other users who are looking for them.

Enter the castle and defeat Dracula in this adventure game book. Delve into the mysterious castle of Dracula in Transylvania with the mission to finish him off. If you like adventure, exploration, and action, this interactive fiction will allow you to experience what a hero feels, facing countless challenges as you choose your best steps to victory ...
- Make a character sheet choosing between different weapons, abilities and spells. - Combat system using dice rolls. - Original illustrations. - Eight different locations. - Fight dangerous enemies and test your skills. - Two levels of difficulty available.
Hunt down the night! Wield your whip and prepare the spells!

Dracula El Legado - Librojuego has been published on 24/04/2021 for ANDROID / IPHONE. We take care to update the list of consoles for which the game was published over time if the cheats are they also applied to new arrivals.

Discover cheats and cheat codes for Dracula El Legado - Librojuego (ANDROID / IPHONE): Useful Tips.

Let's move on to show you the cheats after the introduction we just wrote.


At the moment we do not have any cheat ... Maybe it's too early, in case the game did not come out ... Or, simply, no cheats have been designed for this game and no user on the web has found a way to cheat at Dracula El Legado - Librojuego. Write to us if you need cheats for this game, we will do our best to find them.
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