Hello, it's a pleasure to find you on our website. This page shows all the cheats and codes we found for Prince of Persia The Lost Crown.
If you know other unlockables or strategies, do not hesitate to contact us, you will make it more complete and more useful to all its visitors.
Dash into a stylish and thrilling action-adventure platformer game set in a mythological Persian world where the boundaries of time and space are yours to manipulate.
Our cheats can be used with the following consoles: . This list is constantly updated from or since the game came out.
Discover cheats and cheat codes for Prince of Persia The Lost Crown (): Super damage and invisible.
For Prince of Persia The Lost Crown we also have the walkthrough of the game. You will find a collection of videos taken from YouTube, that put together will allow you to get to the end of the game. Check our Prince of Persia The Lost Crown walkthrough page.
You can also download a Prince of Persia The Lost Crown promo trainer offered by third parties. If you run the game, this trainer will activate for you many cheats that you could not otherwise obtain.
Finished all the premises, we show you the cheats we have recovered.